

There's always that one thing in your closet that you always feel good in, and can make you look like you've put in some effort to look like a functioning member of society. Extra points if you can wear it during intergalactic battles with Spock as your sidekick. 

Dress - H&M From left: Sunglasses - Ray ban | Leather blazer - ZARA | Denim jacket - Old Navy | Sandals - UO | Lipstick - "Lady danger" by MAC


Casual Tuesday.

Shirt & jeans - UO | Sandals - H&M | Sunglasses - Vintage | Watch - O'CLOCK

*I'm not actually giving anyone the finger. That was an accident. Haha, oops.


How appropriate.

Shirt - UO | Shorts - DIY | Blazer - Thrifted
I saw this shirt months ago at Urban Outfiters. It reminded me of the countless napkins I've blotted my lipstick on. Naturally, I had to have it.



Images via Polyvore.com
I'd say my jewelry game is pretty weak by a fashion blogger's standard. My arm party is more of a small get-together, I have three(?) necklaces that I rotate, and about four times a year, I get 'crazy' and decide to paint my nails. Despite the fact that I am so clearly lacking in that department, I've never cared, mostly because all my love goes to rings. Already, I have a TON, but I can't see how anyone can go wrong with buying a ton more. I mean, I've got ten fingers and countless stacking options, so why not collect an obscene amount?



If you haven't already heard, there was a tragic shooting at a midnight screening of the new Batman movie last night in Aurora, Colorado. More HERE.

People everywhere have been talking about the senseless violent act, and have also been sending their heart-felt condolences to the families of the victims, through Facebook and Twitter - causing #Aurora (the city where the shooting occurred) to become a trending topic.

And then THIS happened:
Twitter has since been blowing up with re-tweets and angry responses to the extremely insensitive tweet. May God have mercy on the (most likely) poor intern who thought they were being clever with that gem.

I think that this is where the discussion of social media awareness and education needs to start. I have such an issue with how uninformed people remain to be, despite the fact that we are part of an age in technology where we are literally able to learn about absolutely anything and EVERYTHING we want - and with an ease that none of the generations before us have never known. Simply reading why #Aurora was trending could have prevented this horrible blunder, but I feel that more often than not, we take for granted our access to limitless resources, and then we just fuck up.

UPDATE: The tweet has finally been taken down, but no apology yet.

Blog roll: Shameless self-promotion.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes.

I've decided to expand my blogterprise (So? Blogterprise? Blog+enterprise? Get it?) and branch out to Tumblr, where I can duplicate content, as well as re-blog other people's post that I think you all should see too. ~Inspiration~

Also, the layout's so fun - particularly for me, because if I get lazy - I don't really have to write a thing. Productive slacking at it's finest, folks. I always find a way.



I think it's safe to assume that everyone has seen the photos of Angelina Jolie in all her leg-y glory at the Oscars. In case you haven't, that's it up there. I made fun of it when I first saw it, and I suppose I'm still sort of making fun of it now, but you guys - I totally understand it now!

Skirt & sandals - UO | Shirt - H&M | Denim vest - thrifted | lipstick - "Lady danger" by MAC
Granted, I don't look nearly as glamourous as she does when I do it, but my word, frolicking around with a slit in your skirt and a free leg is exhilarating!

Until, of course, the shame kicks in and you realize how ridiculous you look. Whatever. Hakuna matata.


Goodness, gracious!

Shirt - TOPSHOP | Shorts - ZARA | Sandals - Aldo | Lipstick - 'Russian Red' by MAC
(Excuse my vulgarity, but) Great, sweating balls! Today has to be one of the hottest days of the year in my dear city, and for the first time in a long time, I missed my long, tie-it-up-and-get-it-all-out-of-your-face, hair. I threw on a makeshift head band from a dollar-store bandana I bought in the 90's to act as both fashion accessory and sweat-collector. I wish I was joking about that last part. 

Besides staying hydrated, my best advise has to be wear clothing short enough to stay cool and keep farmer's tans at bay, but also to keep it tasteful, 'cause no one wants to feel a headache from the heat, and nauseous on account of your appearance. So please, none of THIS or THIS - for the sake of public safety.


Because we all think it, sometimes.

"Do I look fat?" Whether it be in the new jeans you bought before going to your favourite all-you-can-eat Japanese restaurant, or your workout attire, women have asked this loaded (no pun intended) question for, well, forever.

Photo via chatelaine.com
My good friend Charlene wrote a great, little piece for Chatelaine magazine about body image that I think everyone should have a look at. This has always been a topic of interest to me, because I think that while people are aware of the differing opinions regarding body image, there are still definitely some places that celebrate near-unattainable extremes for the 'average' gal.

So read, share, and comment.


Once upon a time...

Skull ring & iPhone case - Various, miscellaneous street vendors (No, really.) | Ring - Erica Weiner
The lazy blogger left her dslr at home, opting instead, for her camera phone. But really, folks - check out my new phone cover:


Blog roll: Rockstar diaries.

Today is Friday the 13th. Since most people are usually convinced that this day will bring them nothing but bad luck and bad times, I thought it would be appropriate to try and cheer everyone up.

How can you not crack a smile when you look at this bunch? I hate to say it, but they are so cute I can feel my cold, cold heart melting as I browse through their blog posts.

Photos via RockstarDiaries.

If you ever need to brighten your day a bit, I suggest having a look at what Naomi Davis and her stylish family are up to. Seriously, I cannot get over how cute they are. 


"You shoot me in your dreams..."

Photos - Anthony Willis | Sunglasses - Jimmy Swagg

"...you better wake up and apologize."

In case you hadn't already guessed (or seen in about a million different social media channels), a few days ago, I was part of a 'Reservoir Dogs'-themed shoot. 

I was in New Jersey, and my friend Denny asked if I'd do it, since I was going to be in town. How could I say no? Reservoir Dogs is only one of my favourite movies of all time! Despite the fact that it we were all walking around wearing suits in million degree weather, I had a fantastic time "Fucking shit up," in the style of the most famous misters in film. 

After making magic (I'm talking to you, Anthony. How'd you make us all so good?) we went out for a slice of what has to be the biggest pizza I've ever seen/eaten. We definitely tipped our waitress. It's just the right thing to do.



Where I've been.

Bless me blog gods, for I have sinned. It has been a whopping TWO MONTHS since my last post. Good grief. My apologies, folks. I've been so absent, it's a wonder how this blog is even getting hits right now!

I took a bit of a sabbatical to focus on school (YES, SCHOOL) and other blogs that I've committed my time and computer to. However, I'm glad to say that I am back - armed and ready with new outfits and the self-timer setting on my camera!

Before I resume my regular blogging though, I thought it'd be best to sum up what I've been up to with a few photos from my instagram account, in no chronological order.